Here is my version of a true classic, which has a leek's mild onion flavour lifted somewhat with the addition of cheese, mustard and cream. I bake mine rather than steam them. Nothing wrong with steaming; it will give you a spongier and more melting sensation, but I prefer the crustiness that baking brings out. Also, 2 hours steaming or 30 minutes baking? Let your stomach answer that one for you. Serve it with a beef and ale stew, Newcastle Brown Ale of course. The food of champions. Champion man!
Northumbrian leek pudding
To serve two
100g self raising flour
50g shredded suet (beef or vegetable) or butter/margarine
one large or two small leeks
50g butter
100ml double cream
50g strong cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon English mustard powder
salt and pepper
1 - Pre-heat oven to 180C, GM4 and butter two individual ovenproof pudding moulds.
2 - Mix the flour and suet with a pinch of salt and pepper. Combine with enough water to make a stiff paste.
3 - Slice the leeks length ways, wash thoroughly and finely shred.
4 - Soften the leeks in butter until just coloured. Stir in the cream, grated cheese and mustard powder and combine, ensuring a sloppy mixture.
5 - Roll out the pastry to approximately 1cm thick and divide into two. Line the pudding moulds and trim the excess pastry. Roll back out again and cut out two `lids' for the puddings.
6 - Pile the leek mixture into the puddings until ¾ full and top with the pastry discs. Dab the edges with water and seal. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 25-30 minutes until crisp and golden.
I'm pleased to see this blog here - saw you on Masterchef and came here via the link on Digital Spy forums - thought your food looked terrific on Monday - hoping you do well on Friday so we'll see you go further
Thanks so much for sharing this recipe, which my 16 year old son was desperate for me to find (and cook!)
We loved your style of cooking on Masterchef and will certainly be reading your blog in the future, in the hope that you will initiate us into the delights of more wonderful North East classic dishes!
Good luck for Friday!
Guess what I'll be making this weekend?
Thanks for posting this recipe ~ I haven't been able to stop thinking about leek pudding since I saw Masterchef earlier in the week.
Really pleased that you got through (thoroughly deserved!) and as Tynesiders ourselves me & the other half will be rooting for you on Friday. Best of luck!
Best wishes
I will be making this this weekend David - can't wait to try it! Routing for you to go through on Friday!!!
Your cooking stood out head and shoulders above the others, for me. Good luck on Masterchef. I used to teach at Cleadon Park School, so this brings back memories of some wonderful North east food!
Good luck Little Bro on the telly and what not. I hope you can get me a copy to gander over here!
Even if you don't win your still tops in my world mate!
Get stuck in!
Andy XXX.
Good Luck for the neet brother in law. Got the timer record set, can't wait.
love Mx
Thanks for the recipe for Leek pudding I too saw it on the night and thought it looked luscious - great that you got through to semi finals - Got fingers crossed for the rest next week - Anne ( Corrie)
David, I tried your leek pie today and it was delish!
BUT, in your recipe, did you mean to roll the pastry out to one cm thick?
I rolled it much thinner - I thought one cm to be too thick, espcially in a small pudding basin.
Pan haggerty - who would have thought that we were doing our own version of it for a number of years now, without knowing what it really was. We just call them cheesy tatties and we take some foil, a bit of olive oil and butter and mix thinly sliced tatties and onions together and put that in the foil then a bit of cheese in the middle and on top, with a bit more butter and oil. Then close up the foil into a sausage sort of parcel and throw it on the bbq (indirect heat) for about 45 min I think. There you have it, "cheesy tatties" a la Bridget and Art, up here in sunny Forfar (where another great national dish comes from - the Bridie!).
Vegetarian/Vegan. Don't be put off by the cream. I used soya milk instead and it was still fantastic. But don't throw a full 100ml into the mixture at once. I found that it took a bit less to get that sloppy mixture. Let's have more veggie recipes David.
expat Pat
I have had a craving for Leek Pudding since seeing it MGL.
All I can say is thank you - it was utterly divine!
Thank you so much for the authentic recipe, will try it this weekend.
The leek pudding episode of masterchef aired today here in western australia after watching it i was tempted to find the recipe to make it myself. Thankyou for posting it as now i can have a go at making it. I'm an aussie but my dad is from the uk and your recipes reminded me of some of the dishes he would make when i was younger so thankyou and i look forward to trying some of your other recipes. I hope everything worked out well for you after your win david
Cheers Keke
I'm a southerner by birth, and (mostly not very happily) resident in Australia since 1969, but the two years in my twenties that I spent in Northumberland are among my happiest memories. I've only just found your blog, as I was looking for a recipe for leek pudding (baked version). I've been ill and I'm hankering for the simple foods I used to get in Newcastle and Seghill. All the best to you! Love, Kate.
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