Back in the kitchen, it is soup time. What with this credit crunch malarkey and the need for people to keep warm on cheap sustainable food over the winter, there is nothing better than soup to turn to. Whether it is a 'bottom of the fridge' soup in which you chuck everything into the pan, or a refined 'posh' soup using only the very best ingredients (smoked salmon and black truffle soup anybody?), soup is easy to make and accompanied with some crusty bread, becomes a meal in a bowl.
This soup uses what are in my opinion two of our very best seasonal ingredients at the moment - parsnip and apple - amongst a bumper selection of great autumnal produce. Some strong Cheddar cheese takes down the sweetness a tone or two and that is needed, especially if you decide to use some of the older and larger parsnips that have had a lot of their starch converted into sugar. So make a bowl and be happy that the cold snap has arrived. I know I am - so I'm off to get me coat.
Parsnip, Apple and Cheddar Soup
Serves 4
5 parsnips
1 large Bramley apple
1 onion
1 tbsp olive oil
1 litre hot vegetable stock
150g Cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper
1 - Pre-heat the oven to GM6/Fan 180C/200C.
2 – Peel and halve the parsnips and place into a baking tray. Score a line all around the apple and place into the baking tray. Finally, peel and quarter the onion and put that into the baking tray. Drizzle on the olive oil and coat the fruit and vegetables.
3 – Place onto the middle shelf and bake for 25 minutes, or until the onion and parsnip are golden and the apple has gone soft.
4 – Scrape out the apple flesh and put into a blender along with the onion and parsnips. Pour over the stock and blend until smooth. Pour through a sieve into a clean pan.
5 – Grate in the cheese and stir until melted through. Taste for seasoning. Serve in bowls with more grated cheese on top.
David, I fully understand your need for coats and soup! I've bought not one, but two new winter coats within the last month and soup is one of the best things about autumn/winter. I really like the sound of the parsnip, apple, cheddar combo!
This soup would be mildly sweet with all those wonderful flavour combinations David. Wrap up and eat soup:D Mom & dad just got back from a month in the Lake District:D
I love wearing winter cloths and eating soup! This recipe sounds delicious - must track down some parsnips (I didn't grow any this year) but we have barrow loads of Bramleys! Love the idea of roasting everything first :)
Now there's an under-rated veggie, the parsnip which I like!
This soup would be wonderful for a dinner party, nice work Dave.
Sounds really good... perfect for rainy days like yesterday. Any special plans for Halloween...? I will be making same pumpkin soup from last year, spider cookies and mummies with little Polish sausages inside ;)
Yum yum yum
It is cold in the North East - but SO many coats???
Have just been in Italy - it was 25 every day and now it is so cold back in the UK>>>>
I do not like cold weather, but it is a good excuse to indulge in a delicious bowl of soup. Lovely combination of flavours and I like the addition of cheddar cheese.
I'm just back from a dog walk and am chilled to the bone. The heating's on but I'm still feeling the need to wrap myself in a blanket! Wish, wish, wish I had a bowl of this right now. Lovely.
Ahh, parsnips and apples! Such a totally gorgeous combination - makes me feel so cosy when I think about it! A delicious warming soup and cheap, ticks all the boxes I think.
This soup is just perfect on a cold day like today! I have seen many parts have snow in the U.K. brrrrr... You will have need for your warm coat(s) David.
Rosie x
Now that should keep you warm inside. I like parsnips in soup too.
Sounds like a goodie. I made a parsnip and chorizo soup earlier this year - that was good, too. Liking the sound of all that cheese in yours, though!
You can't beat a nice bowl of soup Imelda. A classic. Life good?
This sounds really good David and I love the idea of adding the cheddar! I will be trying this one. Thank you for the recipe!
I prefer shoes to coats, but I did buy a new, long wool coat this weekend. You will be sickened with jealousy when you finish reading this!
I found a coat I really liked. I tried it on and it fit perfectly. I looked at the tag and to my astonishment it had been reduced from £140 to £40, then when I got to the till I found out that it had been reduced to £24. Can you believe that? Are you crying yet?
David, a great seasonal combination! The use of the cheddar to cut the sweetness is an excellent idea. Soup season is definitely upon us! As for coats... I am guilty of owning far too many myself... along with shoes. :-)
Thanks for this recipe, David. I've got a bunch of parsnips yet to harvest and wondering what to do with them. This looks like a good bet.
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