Tuesday, 22 July 2008

New Potatoes, Rocket Green Sauce and Field Mushrooms

I've been getting a bit of grief of late from some of my vegetarian readers. Not enough vegetarian recipes apparently. In my experience, vegetarians aren't ones to argue with; the lack of protein in their diet makes them a feisty lot.

Before anybody thinks I'm now turning into a vegetarian bating carnivorous fool, please relax. I've worked it out that approximately 60% of my weekly diet is made up of vegetarian meals and snacks. And looking at my recipes in the drop down column, there are loads of recipes there to appease my veggie friends. So I won't feel guilty.

My philosophy on food is that no matter what it comprises of, it should be tasty and simple to achieve. Vegetarian options on the high street can often be predictable and bland, almost an insult. So using one of the brilliant and innovative Helen Grave's recipes as inspiration, here is a winner of a meal for all my 'anything with a face won't be consumed' readers. Lip smacking green sauce smothered hot new potatoes and that meat of the vegetarian world, the field mushroom to give some variation to an incredibly simple but satisfying dish.

New Potatoes, Rocket Green Sauce and Field Mushrooms
Feeds 2

4 handfuls of new potatoes
4 large field mushrooms, sliced
2 tbsp olive or rapeseed oil

For the green sauce
4 handfuls of rocket
A handful of basil
Juice of 1 lemon
1 clove of garlic
1 tsp English mustard
1 tbsp wholegrain mustard
2 tbsp capers, rinsed
Salt and pepper

1 - Boil the potatoes, drain and keep aside.
2 - Heat the olive oil in a large non-stick frying pan. Season the mushrooms then cook on each side until golden brown, approximately 5 minutes each side. Set aside on kitchen paper.
3 - Blitz the green sauce ingredients in a food processor or roughly chop the whole ingredients then stir in with the wet ingredients in a bowl. Taste - it should be balanced, not too much lemon or capers. As a classic green sauce has anchovies, ensure it is seasoned with a little salt.
4 - Coat the hot potatoes in the green sauce. To serve, pile some potatoes onto a late, tuck in a few mushrooms then scatter over some rocket. Serve with a wedge of lemon.


Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

The green sauce is so packed full of flavour David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey David - thanks for the mention! I've definitely never been called brilliant and innovative before but I could get used to it ;) Loving the rocket sauce and I think you make cracking veggie recipes as well as things with faces. I love the new potatoes around at the moment - can't beat em! H x

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

Well I hope to be called one of your friends, David and a veggie one at that. I am loving this recipe! It is pure heaven for me, mushrooms (my favourite), potatoes and green sauce. Lovely! So when do I get to come to your house to sample it?

I will wait in anticipation for more veggie recipes, but I will come to visit in between anyway :)

Thistlemoon said...

Wow that looks amazing. I am a huge fan of Helen's blog, she really makes some incredible stuff! And I always love veggies!

Chef Jeena said...

Great vegetarian recipe David. :-)

Lisa Turner said...

This mushroom loving vegetarian, who never eats bland food and gets plenty of protein, approves :) Lovely recipe.

Jan said...

I must try that sauce with some of our homegrown new potatoes. It sounds delish.

Harping back to your earlier post. My husband bought some Kohlrabi seeds, we are going to try and grow some when the weather cools down a bit. He must have picked up a vibe, as I never mentioned kohlrabi to him.

David Hall said...

Val - It does, and goes with most things, especially good with a steak (oops!!)

Helen - Don't be so modest, you are bloddy brilliant man!

Holler - You are one of the original Bloggy friends of mine! And yes, I know you are a veggie. I recall you saying, 'more veggie recipes please David!'. Pop in any time, but that entails crossing the obrder :o)

Jenn - Helen is currently one of the best around IMHO

Jeena - Thanks!

Lisa - PHEW!

Jan - So happy I can inspire! You won't regret it

Sam Sotiropoulos said...

David, no complaints from me... but then I am not a vegetarian, I don't have to be, I'm Greek! :-o The recipe looks fantastic. The green sauce, the potatoes, the fleshy mushrooms, all of it sounds yum! Good stuff.

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

Hi David, Oh good, this is for me then! Thank you dearest :) I will share some with Lisa, she is a mushroom addict too!

The H.I. said...

Mushrooms and potatoes, a man from my own heart. Great combo. My missus is a veggie so I'll defo give this a whirl. What's happening with the new mag?

Mexican Bean Soup

Ingredients - Feeds 4 2 tbsp olive oil 4 spring onions, sliced 2 sticks of celery, diced 1 red pepper, chopped 2 cloves of garlic, sliced 2 ...